No handshake for Chelsea-QPR

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John Terry: His previous clash with Anton Ferdinand

The Premier League have confirmed there will be no pre-match handshake for Saturday's game between Chelsea and Queens Park Rangers due to the legal situation involving John Terry and Anton Ferdinand.
The league have taken the action to suspend the pre-match routine, which is what the Football Association did prior to the FA Cup match earlier this season.

Ferdinand's lawyers had advised him not to shake Terry's hand - the first time the pair would have met in a Premier League match since the Chelsea captain was accused of racially abusing the QPR player in October.

After taking legal advice, the Premier League have now decided to suspend the handshake convention.
A Premier League statement read: "The Premier League position on the pre-match handshake convention remains consistent.

"In all normal circumstances it must be observed.

"However, after discussions with both Chelsea and Queens Park Rangers about the potential and specific legal context in relation to John Terry and Anton Ferdinand the decision has been taken to suspend the handshake convention for Sunday's match."

Source : SkySport

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